“…That this delay and the smaller size of the vaginal orifice in the castrates were not the result of an overall retardation of bodily growth is evident from the greater mean weight of the ovariectomised animals as compared with that of the controls. Thus, it would seem that castration does not bar the development of cornified material in the vaginal membrane but probably affects its rate of production and later the desquamation and vesicle formation within it, which results in the breakdown of the membrane 192 11. It is known that precocious vaginal opening can be produced bv the injection of estrogens or androgens into immature rats 14 ormore days old, i.e., after the appearance of cornification in the vaginal membrane [Allen and Doisv, 1924;Hartman and Littrell, 1945; Lloyd. R ogers and W illiams, 1946: B utenandt and Kunzirs, 1935;Salmon, 1938;Forsberg, 1968] and also into rats 4 or 5 days old, i.e., before the appearance of cornified material in the vaginal membrane [Tramezzani, Voloschin and Nallar, 1963;J acobsoiin, 1964;Forsberg, 1968; see also Donovan and van der Werfe ten Bosch, 1965].…”