Ta rgeted synthesis of piezoresponsive small molecules and in-depth understanding of their mechanism is of utmost importance for the development of smart devices.T his work reports the synthesis, structure and piezosensitivity of ab ola-amphiphile 1,4-bis(pentyloxy)-2,5-bis(2-pyridineethynyl)-benzene (C5-PPB). Dependingo nt he rate of compression, two different phases in C5-PPB can be generated.T he ambient-pressure aphase is stable up to 0.8 GPa, beyond which it undergoes an isostructural transformation to b-phase, accompanied by ac learly visible elongationo ft he crystal.T his a-to-b phase transitionr equirest he sample to be compressed slowly.W hen quicklyc ompressed, phase a persistst o about 1.5 GPa, beyond which its amorphization starts, accompanied by the appearance of irregular grooves on the largest faces. Mechanical pressure also affectst he optical property of C5-PPB,w hich shows reversible mechanochromism with ag reen to cyan transformation in the emission, associated with a1 5nms hift in the maxima. The conductivity of C5-PPB as ad irect outcome of its crystal packing has also been studied.Development of purely organic p-conjugated oligomers that are light, flexible and external-stimuli responsive is highlydesirable for multifarious applicationsi ns mart devices. [1] Molecules that are capable of responding to external mechanicalf orces [2] are sought after for human-machine or robotic interfaces, sensors, security inks, memory storage, and healthcared evices. [3] In condensed forms like crystals, liquid crystals, or micelles, the