Abstract-During the upgrade of the small-angle neutron scattering instrument KWS-1 at the research reactor FRJ-2, the 15-yr-old detector system has been replaced. While the Anger camera-based concept of the detector remained unchanged, the signal and data processing branch has been completely revised. Because of higher count rate requirements, a highly configurable parallel readout electronics has been developed aiming at counting rates of several hundred kilohertz. The whole detector system has been recently installed at KWS-1 and measurements to study the system performance have been carried out. The linearity and spatial resolution of the new detector have been determined by an analysis of an acquired image taken with a hole diaphragm in front of the scintillator. The overall system dead time has been measured by comparing the detector count rates at several scattering intensities to the count rates achieved with a fission chamber. Finally, scattering patterns of well-known samples have been taken in order to demonstrate the quality of the acquired images.