H. Fischer et al. (Topology and its Application, 158 (2011) 397-408.) introduced the Spanier group of a based space (X, x) which is denoted by π sp 1 (X, x). By a Spanier space we mean a space X such that π sp 1 (X, x) = π 1 (X, x), for every x ∈ X. In this paper, first we give an example of Spanier spaces. Then we study the influence of the Spanier group on covering theory and introduce Spanier coverings which are universal coverings in the categorical sense. Second, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of Spanier coverings for non-homotopically path Hausdorff spaces. Finally, we study the topological properties of Spanier groups and find out a criteria for the Hausdorffness of topological fundamental groups.