1 Uni ver sity of Wroc³aw, In sti tute of Geo log i cal Sci ences, pl. M. Borna 9, 50-204 Wroc³aw, Po land 2 Uni ver sity of Vi enna, De part ment of Lithospheric Re search, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vi enna, Aus tria Wojtulek, P.M., Puziewicz, J., Ntaflos, T., Buka³a, M., 2016. Podiform chromitites from the Variscan ophiolite serpentinites of Lower Silesia (SW Po land) -pet ro logic and tec tonic set ting im pli ca tions. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 60 (1): 56-66, doi: 10.7306/gq.1238The Gogo³ów-Jordanów Ser pen tin ite Mas sif (GJSM) and the Braszowice-BrzeŸnica Mas sif (BBM) are the larg est ser pentin ite out crops in the Fore-Sudetic Block (NE part of the Bo he mian Mas sif, Cen tral Eu rope). The GJSM is a peridotitic member of the Variscan OElê¿a Ophiolite (SW Po land). Podiform bod ies (veins and pock ets) of chromitite are found on the Czernica Hill (GJSM) and on the Grochowiec Hill (BBM) within strongly serpentinised harzburgites which oc cur sev eral hundred metres be low Palaeo-Moho. Chromitites con sist of rounded chro mite grains up to 3 cm across, and of chlorite fill ing the in ter stices. The veins are em bed ded in serpentine-olivine-chlorite ag gre gates. Rel ics of Mg-rich ol iv ine (Fo 95-96 ) oc cur in mas sive chromitite in the BBM. The bulk-rock to tal PGEs con tent is very low (42-166 ppm) and the PGE pat tern is neg a tively sloped to wards Pt and Pd and de pleted rel a tive to chondrite. The pri mary chro mite I is aluminous (Cr# 0.50-0.52, Mg# 0.60-0.70). The highly aluminous and magnesian (Cr# 0.38, Mg# 0.80) chro mite Ia oc curs lo cally in the BBM. The sec ond ary chro mite II is en riched in Cr and im pov er ished in Al (Cr# 0.57-0.69), it re places chro mite I. Both chro mite I and II con tain small amounts of Ti (<0.14 wt.% TiO 2 ). Sil i cate in clu sions in chro mite are scarce. The com po si tion and mode of oc cur rence of both the GJSM and the BBM chromitites are sim i lar, thus they were formed prob a bly un der the same con di tions. Tex tures of the chromitites sug gest their mag matic or i gin. Their cur rent geo log i cal po si tion in di cates their em place ment and crys tal lisa tion in the up per most man tle harzburgites oc cur ring be low the Moho Tran si tion Zone. The chromitites and host ing harzburgites were sub jected to the greenschist-fa cies meta mor phic over print. The mod er ate Cr# and low PGEs con tents sug gest that the chromitites orig i nated in the arc set ting, thus their host ophiolite is of su pra-subduction type.