In many situations, searching the web is synonymous to information seeking. Currently, web search engines are the most popular vehicle via which people get access to the web. Their popularity is partially due to the intrinsic way that people interact with them, i.e., by typing some keywords to the corresponding input box. Despite their popularity, search engines often fail to satisfy certain information needs, especially when the latter are haze and poorly articulated. In this paper, we focus on the occasions when largescale web search engines find it difficult to cope with specific information-seeking behaviors and we accordingly introduce a query construction service that is targeted towards the solution of this problem. The proposed service leverages information coming from various DBpedia datasets and provides an intuitive GUI via which searchers determine the semantic orientation of their queries before these are addressed to the underlying search engine. The evaluation of the query construction service justifies the motive of this paper and indicates that it can considerably improve the searchers' querying ability when search engines fail to provide adequate help.