Several disulfide-based and azoic compounds have shown antiviral and virucidal properties against arenaviruses in virus yield-inhibition and inactivation assays, respectively. The most effective virucidal agent, the aromatic disulfide NSC20625, was able to inactivate two strains of the prototype arenavirus species Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). Inactivated viral particles retained the biological functions of the virion envelope glycoproteins in virus binding and uptake, but were unable to perform viral RNA replication. Furthermore, in inactivated virions, the electrophoretic profile of the Z protein was altered when analysed under non-reducing conditions, whereas the patterns of the proteins NP and GP1 remained unaffected. Treatment of a recombinant LCMV Z protein with the virucidal agents induced unfolding and oligomerization of Z to high-molecular-mass aggregates, probably due to metal-ion ejection and the formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds through the cysteine residues of the Z RING finger. NSC20625 also exhibited antiviral properties in LCMV-infected cells without affecting other cellular RING-motif proteins, such as the promyelocytic leukaemia protein PML. Altogether, the investigations described here illustrate the potential of the Z protein as a promising target for therapy and the prospects of the Z-reactive compounds to prevent arenavirus dissemination.
INTRODUCTIONThe family Arenaviridae comprises several virus species included in a single genus, Arenavirus (Salvato et al., 2005). Based on geographical distribution, antigenic cross-reactivity and phylogenetic analyses, the genus is divided into two groups (Wulff et al., 1978;Howard, 1993;Clegg, 2002;Charrel et al., 2003): (i) the Old World group, including four African arenaviruses and Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), the prototypic and most widely distributed species, and (ii) the New World group, which comprises 18 viruses distributed in South and North America. Several arenaviruses are human pathogens: LCMV has teratogenic effects and can cause aseptic meningitis, whereas five members of the family, Junín virus (JUNV), Machupo virus, Guanarito virus, Sabiá virus and Lassa virus (LASV), can cause severe haemorrhagic fever (HF) (McCormick & Fisher-Hoch, 2002;Peters, 2002). The danger of arenaviruses for human health, their increased emergence and the absence of either effective chemotherapy or approved vaccines support their consideration as potential agents of bioterrorism (Damonte & Coto, 2002;Rotz et al., 2002).The virions contain two single-stranded RNA molecules known as L (large) and S (small), arranged as helical nucleocapsids and enclosed in a lipid envelope. Each genome segment presents an ambisense coding strategy, with two genes in opposite orientations and separated by an intergenic non-coding region (Auperin et al., 1984). The L fragment encodes the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase L at its 39 end from an antigenome-sense mRNA and a zincbinding protein named Z at the 59 end from a genome-sense mRNA (Salvato & Sh...