This article considers the semilinear boundary value problem given by the Poisson equation, ÀDu ¼ f(u) in a bounded domain & R n (n42) with a smooth boundary. For the zero boundary value case, we approximate a solution using the Newton-embedding procedure. With the assumptions that f, f 0 , and f 00 are bounded functions on R, with f 0 50, and & R 3 , the Newton-embedding procedure yields a continuous solution. This study is in response to an independent work which applies the same procedure, but assuming that f 0 maps the Sobolev space H 1 () to the space of Ho¨lder continuous functions C ð "Þ, and f(u), f 0 (u), and f 00 (u) have uniform bounds. In the first part of this article, we prove that these assumptions force f to be a constant function. In the remainder of the article, we prove the existence, uniqueness, and H 2 -regularity in the linear elliptic problem given by each iteration of Newton's method. We then use the regularity estimate to achieve convergence.