Abstract. We use Kenderov-Moors characterization of fragmentability to show that if a compact Hausdorff space X with the tree-completeness property contains a disjoint sequences of clopen sets, then (C(X), weak) is not fragmented by any metric which is stronger than weak topology. In particular, C(X) does not admit any equivalent locally uniformly convex renorming.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46B20, 46B26, 46E15, 54C45.1. Introduction. Let (X, τ) be a topological space and ρ a metric on X. Given > 0, a nonempty subset A of X is said to be fragmented by ρ down to if each nonempty subset of A has a nonempty τ-relatively open subset of A with ρ-diameter less than . The set A is said to be fragmented by ρ if A is fragmented by ρ down to for each > 0. The set A is said to be sigma-fragmented by ρ [7] if for each > 0, A can be expressed as A = ∞ n=1 A n, with each A n, fragmented by ρ down to . The notion of fragmentability was originally introduced in [11] as an abstraction of phenomena often encountered, for example, in Banach spaces with the RadonNikodym property, in weakly compact subsets of Banach spaces and in the dual of Banach spaces. The notion of σ -fragmentability appeared in [10] in order to extend the study of compact fragmented space to noncompact spaces. It turns out that the question of whether a given Banach space with weak topology is sigma-fragmented by the norm is closely connected with the question of the existence of an equivalent Kadec and locally uniformly convex norm. The reader may refer to [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20] for some application of fragmentability and its variants in other topics of Banach spaces.Kenderov and Moors [13,14] used the following topological game to characterize fragmentability and sigma-fragmentability of a topological space X.Two players Σ and Ω alternatively select subsets of X. The player Σ usually starts the game by choosing some nonempty subset A 1 of X, then the Ω-player chooses some nonempty relatively open subset A 1 , say B 1 , then Σ will choose a nonempty set A 2 ⊂ B 1 and in turn, Ω picks up some nonempty relatively open subset B 2 of A 2 . By continuing this procedure, the two players generate a sequence of sets