In this paper, we construct maximally monotone operators that are not of Gossez's dense-type (D) in many nonreflexive spaces. Many of these operators also fail to possess the Brønsted-Rockafellar (BR) property. Using these operators, we show that the partial inf-convolution of two BC-functions will not always be a BC-function. This provides a negative answer to a challenging question posed by Stephen Simons. Among other consequences, we deduce that every Banach space which contains an isomorphic copy of the James space J or its dual J * , or c 0 or its dual ℓ 1 , admits a non type (D) operator.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47A06, 47H05; Secondary 47B65, 47N10, 90C25 imally monotone operator, monotone operator, multifunction, operator of type (BR), operator of type (D), operator of type (NI), partial inf-convolution, Schauder basis, set-valued operator, skew operator, space of type (D), uniqueness of extensions, subdifferential operator.