“… ,, In most of the complete reactant complexes that have been crystallographically characterized, this open site is trans to the C-terminal histidine ligand (His C ). ,, This site is considered to be “in-line” because it projects toward the target site of the prime substrate. Some structures have shown the carboxylate of 2OG shifted toward or fully into this in-line position, rendering the site trans to the N-terminal histidine ligand (His N ), the “off-line” site, apparently more open for O 2 addition. ,, In either case, capture of O 2 is presumed to yield a superoxoiron(III) complex that has not yet been directly characterized in any Fe/2OG oxygenase but has been trapped in other mononuclear nonheme iron enzymes and model complexes. − Decarboxylation of 2OG and coupling of its C2 to the distal oxygen of the O 2 ligand then yield a Fe(II)–peroxysuccinate complex that has been crystallographically characterized in the l -arginine 3-hydroxylase, VioC . Heterolysis of the peroxide bond of this complex produces the marquee intermediate of the class, the oxoiron(IV) (ferryl) complex (Scheme ), which has been characterized by Mössbauer spectroscopy in more than 10 different enzymes. ,,,,,,− These intermediates all have S = 2 electron-spin ground states that result in isomer shifts (δ) of 0.22–0.32 mm/s and quadrupole splitting parameters (|Δ E Q |) of ∼ 1.0 mm/s. ,, …”