“…The RESET test of Ramsey (1969) is the common used specification test for the linear regression model but it is not consistent. Since Hausman (1978) a large literature on testing for the correct specification of functional forms has developed; see Bierens (1982Bierens ( , 1990, Wooldridge (1992), Yatchew (1992), Härdle and Mammen (1993), Hong and White (1995), Fan and Li (1996), Zheng (1996), Li and Wang (1998), Stinchcombe and White (1998), Chen and Gao (2007), Hsiao et al (2007), and Su and Ullah (2013), to name just a few. In addition, Hjellvik and Tjøstheim (1995) and Hjellvik et al (1998) derive tests for linearity specification in nonparametric regressions and Hansen (1999) reviews the problem of testing for linearity in the context of self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) models.…”