Abstract. A metric space X satisfies the Disjoint Triples Property (DD3) if maps 7j, f2 and f3 from B2 into X are approximate by maps /,, f2 and /3 with H ?_ i MB2) = 0-Those CE decompositions of manifolds satisfying DD3 and yielding finite-dimensional nonmanifold decomposition spaces are shown to be precisely those intrinsically O-dimensional decompositions which yield nonshrinkable null cellular decompositions under amalgamation. This characterization results in another proof of the fact that E"/G X £ ' is secretly O-dimensional where G is a CE use decomposition of E", n > 4, with E"/G finite dimensional.
Introduction. Recent work of Cannon [C], Edwards[Ed] and Quinn [Q] characterizes topological «-manifolds, n > 5, in terms of a simple general position property, the Disjoint Disks Property (DDP). Daverman introduced a property closely related to the DDP, the Disjoint Triples Property (hereafter referred to as DD3), and showed that certain decompositions satisfying DD3 can be amalgamated so as to yield nonshrinkable null cellular decompositions. See [Dl].We show that finite-dimensional nonshrinkable decompositions satisfying DD3 can be characterized as those intrinsically O-dimensional decompositions having amalgamations as above. Thus, the class of finite-dimensional decompositions satisfying DD3 but not DDP has the minimal amount of complexity required to yield nonmanifold decompositions in the sense that nonshrinkable null cellular decompositions form a prototype for this class.