We derive semi-analytic formulae for the local bispectrum and trispectrum in general two-field inflation and provide a simple geometric recipe for building observationally allowed models with observable non-Gaussianity. We use the δN formalism to express the bispectrum in terms of spectral observables and the transfer functions, which encode the super-horizon evolution of modes. Similarly, we calculate the trispectrum and show that the trispectrum parameter τNL can be expressed entirely in terms of spectral observables, which provides a new consistency relation unique to two-field inflation. We show that in order to generate observably large non-Gaussianity during inflation, the sourcing of curvature modes by isocurvature modes must be extremely sensitive to a change in the initial conditions orthogonal to the inflaton trajectory and that the amount of sourcing must be non-zero. Under some minimal assumptions, we argue that the first condition is satisfied only when neighboring trajectories through the two-dimensional field space diverge during inflation. Geometrically, this means that the inflaton must roll along a ridge in the potential V for some time during inflation and that its trajectory must turn somewhat in field space. Therefore, it follows that under our assumptions, two-field scenarios with attractor solutions necessarily produce small nonGaussianity. This explains why it has been so difficult to achieve large non-Gaussianity in two-field inflation, and why it has only been achieved in a narrow class of models where the potential and/or the initial conditions are fine-tuned. Some of our conclusions generalize at least qualitatively to multi-field inflation and to scenarios where the interplay between curvature and isocurvature modes can be represented by the transfer function formalism.