Indexing content is the process of text mining. An index is made using the root words that can be located in the text. The section of the text that includes the root can be found using the index. The index can also be used as a database to find trends in text, such as how frequently a word appears. Text mining is essentially the act of turning text into words that are then analyzed. Data collection, preprocessing, Term Weigthing, and categorization are some of the research techniques used. The goal of this study is to identify words that frequently appear in Twitter comments and to choose the best normalization technique based on a dictionary. The dataset for the research approach came from tweets on the rise in petrol prices. According to the research's findings, there are several words used in these comments, including the words "up" and "bbm," which are both frequently used in both positive and negative contexts. Up to 50,000 words were retrieved throughout the preprocessing phase, with 62 documents having a positive class and 180 having a negative class.