Pantropical spotted dolphins, Stenella attenuata (Gray, 1946), occur in all tropical and some subtropical waters from roughly 30 N-40 N to 20 S-40 S (Perrin, 2009). They are mostly found in deep offshore waters, although they can also surround oceanic islands, and other coastlines where there is deep water nearby (e.g., Central America and Mexico, the Hawaiian Islands, Taiwan, and the Philippines; Jefferson et al., 2015;Perrin, 2009). Despite being widely distributed, the ecology of the species in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean (SWA) is not well known (e.g., Do Amaral et al., 2015;Moreno et al., 2005). Previous studies in the SWA indicated that the northern limit of its distribution is in oceanic tropical waters (02 04 0 S), whereas the southern limit is 22 42 0 S (Gurjão, 2020;Moreno et al., 2005). Most sightings have been documented at lower latitudes in association with tropical warm and deep waters (Di Tullio