We study the congeniality property of algebras, as defined by Bao, He, and Zhang, in order to establish a version of Auslander's theorem for various families of filtered algebras. It is shown that the property is preserved under homomorphic images and tensor products under some mild conditions. Examples of congenial algebras in this paper include enveloping algebras of Lie superalgebras, iterated differential operator rings, quantized Weyl algebras, down-up algebras, and symplectic reflection algebras.An important result of Auslander [4] shows that if V is a finite-dimensional vector space over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero, and G is a finite group of automorphisms acting linearly on k[V ] with no nontrivial reflections (i.e., G is a small group), then there is an isomorphism of graded algebras k. There has been much work done in extending this result to the noncommutative setting, either by replacing k[V ] by a suitable noncommutative algebra, replacing G with a Hopf algebra H, or both.Recent work of Bao, He, and Zhang introduces the pertinency invariant as a way to test whether an algebra A and a Hopf algebra H acting on A satisfy the conclusion of Auslander's Theorem [5, 6]. The general theme of their results is that, for a suitable pair, this holds if and only if the pertinency is at least two. In [5] it is shown that a class of filtered algebras known as congenial algebras, along with certain groups of filtered automorphisms, are sufficiently suitable. Furthermore, they prove that the enveloping algebra of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra is congenial. The authors state that there are 'ample examples of congenial algebras' and part of our goal is to better understand what algebras satisfy this condition. We prove the following theorem via various results in this paper.Main Theorem. The following algebras are congenial with respect to some filtration.