A subset Y of the dual closed unit ball BE* of a Banach space E is called a Rainwater set for E if every bounded sequence of E that converges pointwise on Y converges weakly in E. In this paper, topological properties of Rainwater sets for the Banach space Cbfalse(Xfalse) of the real‐valued continuous and bounded functions defined on a completely regular space X equipped with the supremum‐norm are studied. This applies to characterize the weak K‐analyticity of Cbfalse(Xfalse) in terms of certain Rainwater sets for Cbfalse(Xfalse). Particularly, we show that Cbfalse(Xfalse) is weakly K‐analytic if and only if there exists a Rainwater set Y for Cbfalse(Xfalse) such that ()Cbfalse(Xfalse),σY is both K‐analytic and angelic, where σY denotes the topology on Cbfalse(Xfalse) of the pointwise convergence on Y. For the case when X is compact, one gets classic Talagrand's theorem. As an application we show that if X is a compact space and Y is a Gδ‐dense subspace, then X is Talagrand compact, i.e., Cpfalse(Xfalse) is K‐analytic, if and only if the space (Cfalse(Xfalse),σY) is K‐analytic.