Here we start from a dual version of Vasiliev’s first order action for massless spin-2 particles (linearized first order Einstein–Hilbert) and derive, via Kaluza–Klein dimensional reduction from D + 1 to D dimensions, a set of dual massive spin-2 models. This set includes the massive ‘BR’ model, a spin-2 analogue of the spin-1 Cremmer–Scherk model. In our approach the linearized Riemann curvature emerges from a solution of a functional constraint. In D = 2 + 1 the BR model can be written as a linearized version of a new bimetric model for massive gravitons. We also have a new massive spin-2 model, in arbitrary dimensions, invariant under linearized diffeomorphisms. It is given in terms of a non symmetric rank-2 tensor and a mixed symmetry tensor.