We study gravitational and electromagnetic perturbation around the squashed Kaluza-Klein black holes with charge. Since the black hole spacetime focused on this paper have SU (2) × U (1) ≃ U (2) symmetry, we can separate the variables of the equations for perturbations by using Wigner function D J KM which is the irreducible representation of the symmetry. In this paper, we mainly treat J = 0 modes which preserve SU (2) symmetry. We derive the master equations for the J = 0 modes and discuss the stability of these modes. We show that the modes of J = 0 and K = 0, ±2 and the modes of K = ±(J + 2) are stable against small perturbations from the positivity of the effective potential. As for J = 0, K = ±1 modes, since there are domains where the effective potential is negative except for maximally charged case, it is hard to show the stability of these modes in general. To show stability for J = 0, K = ±1 modes in general is open issue. However, we can show the stability for J = 0, K = ±1 modes in maximally charged case where the effective potential are positive out side of the horizon.call the higher-dimensional black holes on the spacetime with compact extra dimensions Kaluza-Klein black holes. In general, it is difficult to construct exact solutions describing Kaluza-Klein black holes because of the less symmetry than the asymptotically flat case.However, if we consider the spacetime with twisted extra-dimensions, we can construct such exact solutions, i.e. squashed Kaluza-Klein (SqKK) black holes [27,28] in the class of cohomogeneity-one symmetry. The topology of the horizon of this SqKK black holes is S 3 , while it looks like four-dimensional black holes with a circle as an internal space in the asymptotic region.Recently, much effort has been devoted to reveal the properties of squashed Kaluza-Klein black holes. In [29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47] generalizations of SqKK black holes are studied. Several aspects of SqKK black holes are also discussed, e.g. thermodynamics [48-50], Hawking radiation [51-53], gravitational collapse [54], behavior of Klein-Gordon equation [55], stabil-