We consider the question, asked by Friedl, Livingston and Zentner, of which sums of torus knots are concordant to alternating knots. After a brief analysis of the problem in its full generality, we focus on sums of two torus knots. We describe some effective obstructions based on Heegaard Floer homology.be a sum of torus knots. Suppose that p i > q i , and that there is no q i coefficient appearing with repetitions in the list of coefficients ). Denote by Υ a,b (t) the upsilon function of the torus knot T a,b with a > b, thenConsequently, if q i and r i denote, respectively, the quotients and the remainders occurring in the Euclidean algorithm for a and b (so that r 0 = a, r −1 = b, and r i−1 = q i r i + r i+1 ), we have that Υ a,b (t) = n i=0 q i · Υ ri+1,ri (t).