Abstract. Let A and B be quasisimilar seminormal operators on a separable, infinite dimensional complex Hilbert space. Several conditions which imply that A and B have equal essential spectra are presented. For example, if A and B are both biquasitriangular then A and B have equal essential spectra.Let DC denote a separable, infinite dimensional complex Hilbert space, and let £(DC) denote the algebra of all bounded linear operators on DC. (We shall use the term operator to mean an element of £(DC). Unless specified otherwise, all operators are assumed to be acting on the Hilbert space DC.) An operator T is said to be hyponormal if TT* < T* T. If T is an operator and T* is hyponormal, then T is said to be cohyponormal. If T is either hyponormal or cohyponormal, then T is called a seminormal operator. An operator X having trivial kernel and dense range is called a quasiaffinity. Operators A and B are said to be quasisimilar if there exist quasiaffinities X and Y such that XA = BX and AY = YB. If T belongs to £(DC), we shall let %(T) denote the kernel of T, a(T) the spectrum of T, and ae(T) the essential spectrum of T, i.e., the spectrum of w( T), where it is the natural quotient map of £(DC) onto the Calkin algebra £(DC)/G (6 denotes the norm-closed ideal of all compact operators in £(DC)).It is known that quasisimilar normal operators are unitarily equivalent (cf.[3]). Thus quasisimilar normal operators have equal spectra and essential spectra. S. Clary constructed an example in [2] which shows that quasisimilar hyponormal operators need not be similar. Nevertheless, he proved that quasisimilar hyponormal operators do have equal spectra. Clary's proof, with only modest modifications, shows that quasisimilar seminormal operators have equal spectra. In view of the above results, it is natural to pose the following question: Do quasisimilar seminormal operators have equal essential spectra? At the present we are unable to answer this question. However, in this note, we do show that the answer is "yes" in several interesting cases.Let A and B be operators and X a quasiaffinity satisfying XA = BX. M. Radjabalipour proved recently in [10] that if A * and B are hyponormal, then A and B are unitarily equivalent normal operators. (H. Radjavi and P. Rosenthal proved earlier in [11] that the above result is valid in the subnormal case.) Let A and B be quasisimilar seminormal operators. In view of Radjabalipour's result, in order to