Abstract. We are concerned with matrices over nondivision algebras and show by an example from an R 4 algebra that these matrices do not necessarily have eigenvalues, even if these matrices are invertible. The standard condition for eigenvectors x = 0 will be replaced by the condition that x contains at least one invertible component which is the same as x = 0 for division algebras. The topic is of principal interest, and leads to the question what qualifies a matrix over a nondivision algebra to have eigenvalues. And connected with this problem is the question, whether these matrices are diagonalizable or triangulizable and allow a Schur decomposition. There is a last section where the question whether a specific matrix A has eigenvalues is extended to all eight R 4 algebras by applying numerical means. As a curiosity we found that the considered matrix A over the algebra of tessarines, which is a commutative algebra, introduced by Cockle (Phil Mag 35(3):434-437, 1849; http:// www.oocities.org/cocklebio/), possesses eigenvalues.Mathematics Subject Classification. 11E88, 15A66, 20G20, 65F15, 65H17.Keywords. Eigenvalues of matrices over nondivision algebras, Eigenvalues of matrices over coquaternions, Split-quaternions, Eigenvalues of matrices over a general R 4 algebra, Diagonalizable and triangulizable matrices over nondivision algebras.