This paper studies the bivariate HEAVY system of daily and intra-daily volatility equations and its macro-augmented asymmetric power extension. We focus on economic drivers that exacerbate stock market volatility and can be proved to be major threats for …nancial stability. Our study proves the in ‡ammatory e¤ects of UK Policy Uncertainty alongside global credit and commodity factors that spread across European …nancial markets. This UK-led spillover phenomenon should be considered by world market participants and recognized, monitored and mitigated by policymakers amid the Brexit fears and the associated highly probable harm for Europe. Other …ndings are as follows.First, once we allow for power transformations, asymmetries, and macro-e¤ ects in the benchmark speci…cation, it is found that both powered conditional variances are signi…cantly a¤ected by the powers of squared negative returns and realized measure, further improving the HEAVY framework's forecasting accuracy. Second, the structural breaks applied to the bivariate system capture the time-varying behavior of the parameters, in particular during the global …nancial crisis of 2007/08. Third, higher UK uncertainty levels increase the leverage and global macro-e¤ects from credit and commodity markets on all European stock markets'realized volatilities.