In this paper, we develop a method for studying cycle lengths in hypergraphs. Our method is built on earlier ones used in [21,22,18]. However, instead of utilizing the well-known lemma of Bondy and Simonovits [4] that most existing methods do, we develop a new and very simple lemma in its place. One useful feature of the new lemma is its adaptiveness for the hypergraph setting.Using this new method, we prove a conjecture of Verstraëte [37] that for r ≥ 3, every r-uniform hypergraph with average degree Ω(k r−1 ) contains Berge cycles of k consecutive lengths. This is sharp up to the constant factor. As a key step and a result of independent interest, we prove that every r-uniform linear hypergraph with average degree at least 7r(k + 1) contains Berge cycles of k consecutive lengths.In both of these results, we have additional control on the lengths of the cycles, which therefore also gives us bounds on the Turán numbers of Berge cycles (for even and odd cycles simultaneously). In relation to our main results, we obtain further improvements on the Turán numbers of Berge cycles and the Zarankiewicz numbers of even cycles. We will also discuss some potential further applications of our method. 1 a fixed integer k. This was proposed by Burr and Erdős [9] forty years ago and some conjectures were formalized by Thomassen [34] in 1983 (we refer interested readers to [33] for a thorough introduction).Our work is also closely related to the so-called Turán problem. Let F be a family of r-graphs. An r-graph is F-free if it does not contain any member of F as a subhypergraph. The Turán number ex r (n, F) of the family F denotes the maximum number of hyperedges contained in an n-vertex F-free r-graph. When r = 2, we will write it as ex(n, F). Studying the Turán function ex(n, F) for graphs and hypergraphs has been a central problem in extremal graph theory ever since the work of P. Turán [35]. For non-bipartite graphs, the problem is asymptotically solved by the celebrated Erdős-Stone-Simonovits Theorem [14] (see also [13]). However, the Turán problem for bipartite graphs remains mostly open, with the special case for even cycles C 2k receiving particular attention. A classic theorem of Bondy and Simonovits [4] shows that ex(n, C 2k ) ≤ 100k · n 1+1/k . This bound was subsequently improved by several authors in [36,30,6]. The Turán problem for cycles in hypergraphs has been investigated for different notions of hypergraph cycles in [3,17,18,20,21,25] among others. Our work in this paper focuses on so-called Berge cycles. The method we develop here also works for some other common notions of cycles, such as so-called linear cycles (or sometimes known as loose cycles). See Section 6 for discussion in that direction.A hypergraph H = (V, E) consists of a set V of vertices and a collection E of subsets of V. We call a member of E a hyperedge or simple an edge of H. A hypergraph H is r-uniform if all of its edges are r-subsets of V(H). We also simply call an r-uniform hypergraph an r-graph for brevity. A Berge path of length ℓ, is...