At present no analytical model is available for predicting the unsteady aerodynamic forces acting on staggered cascade blades subjected to transonic flow. The unsteady aerodynamic models for cascades developed so far are useful in the Mach number range of 0.0-0.9 and 1.1 and above. The objective of the present analysis is to develop an efficient model for obtaining unsteady aerodynamic forces in the neighborhood of Mach number = 1.0. An incremental annulus of blade row is represented by a rectilinear two-dimensional cascade of thin flat plate airfoils. The steady flow approaching the cascade is assumed to be transonic, irrotational, and inviscid. The equations of motion are derived using linearized transonic small perturbation theory. An analytical solution is obtained by using the Wiener-Hopf procedure. Unsteady aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the blades are obtained for Mach number = 1.0. Making use of transonic similarity law, the results of the present analysis are compared with the results obtained from other linearized cascade analyses. A parametric study is conducted to find the effects of reduced frequency, stagger angle, solidity, and location of pitching axis on cascade stability. Nomenclature a n = constant, Eq. (29) A',B' -constant, Eq. (A10) A 0 = amplitude of angular displacement A!, B j = constants b = blade semichord C' (CL),C_ (a) -functions, Eq. (43) d Q -distance between leading edge of blade and reference point G + ,G_ -functions, Eq. (A7) G+,G + -functions, Eq. (42) h Q ,h m -functions, Eq. (18) h±,h -functions, Eq. (38) and (39) H Q = amplitude of vertical displacement H + (a) -function, Eq. (Al) / -V -l Im -imaginary part k -reduced frequency k { -V2/A: k 2 =k/2 K(oi,rj) -function, Eq. (23) K + (a),K_ (a) -functions, Eq. (A5) L m,n M M, P Qn S s + ss gn t = nondimensional lift = summation indices = nondimensional moment = local Mach number = pressure = pressure for nonsummation and summation terms, Eq. (36) = function, Eq. (36) = distance between adjacent blades = signum function = timê functions, Eqs. (28-33) = freestream velocity