-In this Paper, a simple wideband BPF is proposed using a slot resonator which produces passband of 7-16 GHz. The transmission characteristics are improved by etching a square slot resonator in the half mode SIW BPF. The proposed filter uses a microstrip transition which results in better return loss performance and wider bandwidth. A novel compact bandpass filter is designed and simulated using ADS software. Keywords-bandpass filter, wider bandwidth, pass band. transmission line is W1 and the length of the SIW
I. INTRODUCTIONHigh data rates, low power transmissions, excellent range resolution are main advantages of Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology [1]. UWB filters have lower insertion loss, good return loss performance, good selectivity and better rejection performance. A new design of wideband microwave bandpass filter is constructed by combining S-shaped slot and L-shaped slot loaded quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide filter [2]. A bandpass filter with a 1.39 GHz bandwidth centered at 4.54 GHz is proposed by using CMRC resonators [4]. Good return loss performance and sharp selectivity are produced using two stubs in a bandpass filter for UWB applications [5]. Microstrip stopband bandpass filters are proposed using two shapes of split ring resonator (SRR) [6].