Abstract-Ca2ϩ /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) ␦ is the predominant cardiac isoform, and the ␦ C splice variant is cytoplasmic. We overexpressed CaMKII␦ C in mouse heart and observed dilated heart failure and altered myocyte Ca 2ϩ regulation in 3-month-old CaMKII␦ C transgenic mice (TG) versus wild-type littermates (WT). Heart/body weight ratio and cardiomyocyte size were increased about 2-fold in TG versus WT. At 1 Hz, twitch shortening, [Ca 2ϩ ] i transient amplitude, and diastolic [Ca 2ϩ ] i were all reduced by Ϸ50% in TG versus WT. This is explained by Ͼ50% reduction in SR Ca 2ϩ content in TG versus WT. Peak Ca 2ϩ current (I Ca ) was slightly increased, and action potential duration was prolonged in TG versus WT. CaMKII was initially identified in the nervous system, but is found in most tissues, including heart. 3,4 CaMKII␦ is the predominant isoform in heart. 3,5 CaMKII phosphorylates several Ca 2ϩ transport proteins, including ryanodine receptors (RyRs) 6,7 and phospholamban (PLB). 8,9 CaMKII is involved in L-type Ca 2ϩ current (I Ca ) facilitation 10,11 and frequency-dependent acceleration of relaxation (FDAR; which depends on SR Ca 2ϩ uptake). 12-16 Ramirez et al 17 found that the nuclear CaMKII isoform (␦ B ) caused transcriptional activation and expression of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANF, a hypertrophic signaling marker) in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. Transgenic overexpression of CaMKII␦ B or expression of CaMKIV (also nuclear) induces cardiac hypertrophy. 18,19 However, in vivo expression of cytoplasmic CaMKII (␦ C ) has not been examined.In human heart failure (HF), CaMK activity is increased 2-to 3-fold, which could be compensatory because it correlated positively with cardiac index and ejection fraction in patients. 20,21 Because phosphatase activity is also enhanced in human HF, 22 the net phosphorylation state of individual targets is unclear. For example, whereas many protein kinase A (PKA) targets are relatively dephosphorylated in HF, RyRs can be hyperphosphorylated due to reduced local phosphatase bound to RyRs. 23 To investigate CaMKII␦ effects on cellular Ca 2ϩ regulation, we overexpressed cytoplasmic CaMKII␦ C in mouse heart. 24 The transgenic line studied here exhibits 3-fold increase in CaMKII activity, profound dilated hypertrophy, and ventricular dysfunction. 24
Materials and Methods
Generating CaMKII␦ C Transgenic Mice and Myocyte IsolationTransgenic mice were generated as in Zhang et al. 24 In the present study, Ca 2ϩ handling was assessed using (unless noted) 3-month-old CaMKII␦ C TG mice (nϭ8) exhibiting a 3-fold increase in CaMKII activity (TGM line 24 ), and age-matched WT littermates (nϭ8). Ventricular myocytes were isolated as reported 14 ] i-rest was used. Results were comparable among indo-1, fluo-3, and fluo-4, so results were pooled. Ca 2ϩ sparks were characterized by an algorithm (IDL 5.3) 29 using a threshold of 3.8ϫSD with human verification. We measured Ca 2ϩ spark peak (F/F 0 ), duration (full-duration-half-maximum, FDHM), width, or spa...