Near-space autonomous airship represents a unique and promising platform for earth observation and surveillance that involve a long duration airborne presence. In this paper, a six-degrees-of-freedom dynamics model and maneuverability of a near-space earth observation platform are presented. First, the near-space earth observation platform is introduced, including the concept design, configuration, energy sources, propeller and payload. Second, reference frames and motion parameters of the platform are defined, and the kinematics equations describing the platform's dimensional motion are derived. The effects of gravity, buoyancy, added inertia, aerodynamics and thrust on the platform are incorporated into the dynamics analysis, and a dynamics model in vector form of the platform is derived based on Newton-Euler principle. Finally, a simulation program has been developed to implement the dynamics model and applied to analyze the maneuverability of the platform. It is hoped that this work is useful to support the evaluation of maneuverability and the development of control system for the near-space earth observation platform.