Quantum computers have already shown high potential in solving complex computational problems much more efficiently compared to the typical conventional supercomputers. One major challenge in the field of quantum computing is to implement the major operations of the conventional computers using the available quantum hardware (quantum gates). Such operations are the arithmetic operations as well as decoding and multiplexing. An obvious burden is the absence of quantum gates that directly implement the fundamental Boolean operations like AND and OR. Moreover, care should be taken in order to reduce the costs involved when implementing a quantum circuit. In this paper, we present an oracle-based approach to implement quantum decoding and multiplexing in a joint circuit. The use of oracles necessarily implies that some type of quantum programming will be used. A quantum program is a process organized in a sequence of computations whose data elements are selected from the set of the known quantum gates. In our approach, the oracles are used as pre-programmed black boxes that determine if a datum should be directed from the input to the output. The important idea behind our scheme is that the oracles operate in parallel, therefore their selection decisions are taken simultaneously, while the approaches found in the literature implement sequential circuits with feedbacks from the outputs to inputs that burden the overall performance. We have used Qiskit open-source software development kit to verify the correctness of our design through extensive simulations.