A methodology is presented for the reduction of both systematic and random errors in T 1 determination using TAPIR, a Look-Locker-based fast T 1 mapping technique. The relations between various sequence parameters were carefully investigated in order to develop recipes for choosing optimal sequence parameters. Theoretical predictions for the optimal flip angle were verified experimentally. Inversion pulse imperfections were identified as the main source of systematic errors in T 1 determination with TAPIR. An effective remedy is demonstrated which includes extension of the measurement protocol to include a special sequence for mapping the inversion efficiency itself. Measurement of the spin-lattice relaxation time constant, T 1 , using MRI is becoming increasingly popular in such different applications as quantitative tracer kinetics (1-3), radiation dosimetry (4), and the response of tumors to therapy (5). The recent increasing interest in T 1 mapping in vivo is largely associated with scanner hardware improvements and the development of faster, more accurate imaging methods. Thus, a number of techniques which were previously either too demanding on the hardware or which required unacceptably long acquisition times have now developed into clinically useful methods (6 -11). Recent developments in the field have been reviewed by Kingsley in an annotated bibliography (12).In an effort to circumvent the major limitations of current methodology, we have developed a technique, based on the Look-Locker approach, and have demonstrated its potential (13-15). The method, termed TAPIR (T 1 mapping with partial inversion recovery), uses a magnetization-preparation scheme similar to that employed by Deichmann et al. (6). Additionally, TAPIR utilizes readout gradient reversals to acquire multiple lines of k-space following a single excitation pulse. Subsequently, the acquired data are reordered to fill k-space bands (segments). Interleaving slices and time-points on the recovery curve affords the acquisition of multiple slices with practically no additional time penalty. The TAPIR pulse sequence diagram is presented in Fig. 1 and is described fully in the figure caption. The multislice, multitime-point data acquisition capabilities inherent to TAPIR are in contrast to many of the previous techniques. The principle of interleaving slices and time points is extremely efficient in terms of data collection and enables the recovery curve to be sampled with a higher apparent temporal resolution than the IR-EPI technique, snapshot FLASH method, or the segmented snapshot FLASH technique. The overall speed of the sequence is enhanced not only by the rapid repetition of the sampling RF pulses, but also by minimizing the dead time and by the acquisition of multiple echoes following each excitation pulse. The relatively long recovery time for in vivo applications is used to facilitate multislice acquisition, which confers the advantage that whole-brain coverage can be achieved, as desired for human brain segmentation, for instance.The u...