Proteins of the regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) family modulate the duration of intracellular signaling by stimulating the GTPase activity of G protein ␣ subunits. It has been established that the ninth member of the RGS family (RGS9) participates in accelerating the GTPase activity of the photoreceptor-specific G protein, transducin. This process is essential for timely inactivation of the phototransduction cascade during the recovery from a photoresponse. Here we report that functionally active RGS9 from vertebrate photoreceptors exists as a tight complex with the long splice variant of the G protein  subunit (G 5L ). RGS9 and G 5L also form a complex when coexpressed in cell culture. Our data are consistent with the recent observation that several RGS proteins, including RGS9, contain G protein ␥-subunit like domain that can mediate their association with G 5 ( Heterotrimeric G proteins act as molecular switches that relay excitation from activated receptors to effector molecules, such as enzymes or ion channels. A G protein becomes activated upon the receptor-stimulated binding of GTP to its ␣ subunit and continues to modulate the activity of the effector until bound GTP is hydrolyzed (reviewed in refs. 1 and 2). In many signaling pathways, the duration of the signal under physiological conditions is much shorter than would be predicted from the intrinsic rate of ␣ subunits of G proteins (G ␣ ) GTPase activity. This is because GTPase activities of many G ␣ s are dramatically accelerated by RGS (regulators of G protein signaling) proteins or by the G protein effectors (reviewed in refs. 3-6). The phototransduction cascade of vertebrate photoreceptors represents one of the most sophisticated examples of such regulation where the GTPase activity of the G protein, transducin, is substantially enhanced by the cooperative action of RGS9 and the ␥ subunit of the effector of transducin, cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE ␥ ) (7-10). The role of RGS9 is to provide transducin with the RGS homology domain, which acts catalytically in stimulating the rate of transducin GTPase. PDE ␥ itself does not activate transducin GTPase but it enhances the catalytic action of RGS9. The degree of this potentiation observed in physiologically intact photoreceptors is Ϸ7-fold (10). We believe that this ability of PDE ␥ to potentiate RGS9 action is essential for photoreceptor function. When a rod photoreceptor is hit by photon of light it has to perform two tasks. First, it has to transmit the signal from excited rhodopsin to PDE with high efficiency. Second, it has to inactivate all activated proteins in the cascade, including transducin, within a fraction of 1 s. If transducin is allowed to be discharged by RGS9 before it forms a complex with PDE, then some transducin molecules would never activate PDE and signal amplification would be diminished. Therefore, making the GTPase activation contingent on transducin association with PDE ␥ ensures both high efficiency of signal transmission between transducin and PDE and timel...