(1, 2), a line that had been used extensively in genetic analyses, with that of the unrelated standard inbred B73 (3) revealed unexpected differences between them. First, retrotransposon clusters, which make up the bulk of the maize genome (4-6), differed in composition and location relative to the genes in the region so that the two sequences could be aligned only at the genes they had in common. Second, and most strikingly, some genes present in McC were absent from B73, indicating that genetic colinearity was violated within the species. Noncolinear haplotypes were also found in a comparison of the genomic intervals containing the z1C zein gene cluster in B73 and BSSS53, inbred lines derived from the same synthetic population (7). The lengths of the z1C regions in the two inbreds varied by 50% because of differences in the number of zein and other genes and in the sizes of the retrotransposon clusters flanking them. Similar extensive nonhomologies were reported between the allelic regions of inbreds B73 and Mo17 at three additional chromosomal locations in the genome (8). That study established that more than one-third of the predicted genes were present in just one inbred at the loci examined, although many of the unshared genes appeared to be truncated. The observation that genes not shared between inbreds violate the maize-rice colinearity usually displayed by shared genes prompted the authors to speculate that unshared genes originated from insertions of a yet-unknown nature rather than deletions.High intraspecific haplotype variability is not restricted to maize, having been recently described in barley, another species with a large amount of repetitive DNA. A comparison of the Rph7 locus in two barley cultivars established that colinearity was restricted to Ͻ35% of the two sequences, principally because of differences in retrotransposon blocks (9). Interestingly, a gene encoding a truncated helicase was present in only one of the two cultivars. On the other hand, no cases of gene acquisition or loss were found in a comparison of two different orthologous regions between rice subspecies (10, 11). This finding suggests that the type of variation detected in maize and barley may not be a general feature of plant genomes. The functional significance of the ''plus-minus'' type of variation is also unclear, because the genes that vary among accessions of the same species are present in multiple copies (3), and many of them are clearly pseudogenes or gene fragments (8, 9). Independent of its generality or functional significance, the described variation raises an important question: How did it arise? Evidence presented here indicates that the apparent intraspecific violations of genetic colinearity in maize and, probably, barley, arise from the movement of genes or gene fragments by Helitrons, a recently discovered type of eukaryotic transposon (12).Helitrons were found by computational analysis of genomic sequences from Arabidopsis, rice, and Caenorhabditis elegans (12) and were later reported to be the caus...