The inhibitory effects of the water extract of HangAmDan-B (WEHAD-B), which is a crude extract of eight Korean medicinal animals and plants on bFGF-induced neovascularization were investigated. WEHAD-B significantly prevented bFGF-induced HUVE cell proliferation, adhesion, migration, and capillary-like tubular network formation. Half-maximal inhibition of proliferation on the endothelial cells by WEHAD-B was observed at a concentration of approximately 250 μg/mL. Our antibody microarray-based ProteoChip data showed that WEHAD-B increased the expression of STAT1 and Rb2, which are involved in cell growth, apoptosis, and controlling the cell cycle in bFGF-induced HUVECs. These results indicate that the inhibition of bFGF-induced angiogenesis by WEHAD-B may be due to upregulation of cell signaling proteins, STAT1 and Rb2. The blood vessel formation in a chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) treated with WEHAD-B was markedly reduced in length compared with a PBS-treated control group. Taken together, these data suggest that antibody-arrayed ProteoChip technology may be an useful tool for determining molecular mechanism of natural products in biological samples.