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10Chicken weight provides information about growth and feed conversion of the flock in order to identify 11 deviations from the expected homogeneous growth trend of the birds. This paper proposes a novel method 12 to automatically measure the growth rate of broiler chickens by sound analysis. 13Through the application of process engineering, Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) can combine audio and 14 video information into on-line automated tools that can be used to control, monitor and model the 15 behaviour, health and production of animals and their biological response. 16The aim of this study was to record and analyse broiler vocalisations under normal farm conditions, to 17 identify the relation between animal sounds and growth trend. Recordings were made at regular intervals, 18 during the entire life of birds, in order to evaluate the variation of frequency and bandwidth of the sounds 19 emitted by the animals. 20Two experimental trials were carried out in an indoor reared broiler farm; the audio recording procedures 21 lasted for 38 days. The recordings were made, in an automated, non-invasive and non-intrusive way and 22 without disturbing the animals in to the broiler house. Once a week, 50 birds were selected at random and 23 their weight recorded in order to follow the growth trend in the birds. 24Sound recordings were manually analysed and labelled using the Adobe Audition CS6 software. 25 2 Analysing the sounds recorded, it was possible to find a significant correlation (P<0.001) between the 26 frequencies of the vocalisations recorded and the weight of the broilers. 27The results explained how the frequency of the sounds emitted by the animals was inversely proportional 28 to the age and to the weight of the broilers; the more they grow, the lower the frequency of the sounds 29 emitted by the animals. 30This preliminary study shows how this method based on the identification of specific frequencies of the 31 sounds, in an indoor reared broiler farm, linked to the age and to the weight of the birds, could be used as 32 an early warning method/system to evaluate the health and welfare status of the animals at farm level, 33 developing also an automated growth monitoring tool. 34