Objectives: Main objective of the research is to protect multiple ICs on a single PCB board from DC overvoltage through a high-speed MOSFET driver unit. Within 150 µs loads must be isolated from the DC power supply. As DC power becomes again stable the load must be automatically reconnected to the DC power supply. This method should be scalable to AC power supply also. Methods: A high-speed PIC 16F877A microcontroller is used whose one machine cycle time is 0.20 µs. The ADC module is operated at its highest speed. Multiple IC loads are connected to the DC power supply through the MOSFET driver circuit. If overvoltage is detected then the load gets isolated from the DC power supply within 131 µs, after becoming DC power supply is stable, the load should be reconnected. PIC 16F877A should provide power on a delay of 10 seconds. Finding: Operating the PIC 16F877A microcontroller and the ADC module at the highest speed is the first finding. The second finding is that the total detection, processing, and activation time is 131 µs. The last finding is that connects multiple ICs on a single board series through MOSFET to the DC power supply. PIC microcontroller should provide power on delay. Novelty: It is a totally new concept of connecting load to DC power supply through MOSFET driver circuitry. Traditionally it is observed that DC loads are paralleled and connected to the DC power supply and if the DC power supply becomes over then all loads get at the time burned. To overcome this problem we found a technique where all DC loads on a single board must be connected to the DC power supply through high-speed MOSFET driver circuitry so that before burning DC loads MOSFET driver circuitry will isolate these loads from the DC power supply and this is the novelty of our research.