We show that the mouse ribosomal DNA (rDNA) spacer promoter acts in vivo to stimulate transcription from a downstream rRNA gene promoter. This augmentation of mammalian RNA polymerase I transcription is observed in transient-transfection experiments with three different rodent cell lines, under noncompetitive as well as competitive transcription conditions, over a wide range of template concentrations, whether or not the enhancer repeats alone stimulate or repress expression from the downstream gene promoter. Stimulation of gene promoter transcription by the spacer promoter requires the rDNA enhancer sequences to be present between the spacer promoter and gene promoter and to be oriented as in native rDNA. Stimulation also requires that the spacer promoter be oriented toward the enhancer and gene promoter. However, stimulation does not correlate with transcription from the spacer promoter because the level of stimulation is not altered by either insertion of a functional mouse RNA polymerase I transcriptional terminator between the spacer promoter and enhancer or replacement with a much more active heterologous polymerase I promoter. Further analysis with a series of mutated spacer promoters indicates that the stimulatory activity does not reside in the major promoter domains but requires the central region of the promoter that has been correlated with enhancer responsiveness in vivo.Of the three classes of eukaryotic RNA polymerase studied to date, only RNA polymerase I is committed to transcribing a single type of DNA: the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) that ultimately gives rise to the mature 18S, 5.8S, and 28S rRNAs of the ribosome. Study of the organization of the tandem rRNA genes and of the RNA polymerase I transcription machinery has led to the identification of cis-acting elements and transacting factors involved in the regulated expression of these genes (40,44,46). The best-studied rDNA elements are those of Xenopus laevis, but the rDNA of other metazoans, including mice, rats, Chinese hamsters, and Drosophila melanogaster, appears quite conserved in organization, although greatly diverged in sequence. Fig. 1A illustrates the similarity in the organizations of the X. laevis and mouse rDNA repeats.The conserved organization of rDNA begins with the promoter, the most important regions of which are an ϳ40-bp core element extending upstream from the initiation site and an upstream element from approximately residue Ϫ140 to approximately residue Ϫ120. Sequences upstream of the core element can be made dispensable in vitro but are critical in vivo. Just upstream of this complete gene promoter is a promoter-proximal transcriptional terminator element that is required for efficient initiation at the gene promoter in vivo, evidently by preventing polymerase read-in (2, 18) but possibly also by providing a position-dependent stimulation (28, 29). Immediately upstream of the promoter and terminator region in most animal and plant species examined are multiple copies of a repetitive sequence. In frogs and mice (Fig. 1A), t...