QC, as compared to traditional computational methods, are efficient in tackling the complexity and large-scale optimisation problems in complex and critical present healthcare systems. This work uses Q-NLP, Bl, ZX-diagrams and QC-optimization for analyzing the healthcare model consisting of interactions among Dr, Pt, Ht and Bl. BN model is constituted for healthcare interactions, followed by ZX-graph optimisation, quantum circuit generation, analysis, validation, and performance analysis. In the analysis of the results, it has been observed that ZX-diagrams are useful for healthcare system modelling, QC integration and optimisation, and implementation. It is observed that strengths of the potential and drive terms largely impact CPU time variations. The optimisation-level experimentation shows a number of circuit operations and non-local gates. Further, the stability of the proposed model is evaluated using system cycle time variations for quantum circuits and qubits analysis. In circuit depth analysis over four circuits with different lengths, it is observed that there is a minimum of 4.1% and a maximum of 17% circuit depth optimisation.