“…- [33] MA molecular recognition (perylene bisimidefluorophore, and two cholesterol subunits) vapor5.5 10 À6 amines, organic solvents, water,a pple pomace [34] MDMA NPs water0.95 cocaine, heroin, methadone, and morphine [ 35] MA molecular recognition (aminefunctionalized polyfluorene) THF 2.5 10 À5 pethidine and EPH [36] MDMA NPs water-AMP,g lucose, glycine, and sarcosine [37] AMPH,M ETH, MDMA; and DA molecular recognition (macrocyclic) H 2 O/MeOH (7:3, v/v, pH 7.4) 7.4 10 À6 , 1.3 10 À6 , 8.0 10 À6 ,and 6.7 10 À5 - [38] MDMA and MDA colorimetric reaction sulfuric acid aqueous (75 %, w/v) 0.19 - [39,40] MA NPs toluene and vapor -o-toluidine, hexylamine, diethylamine,dibutylamine, allylamine, trimethylamine, and aniline [41] catecholaminemolecularr ecognition water-biogenica mines, sugars, neurotransmitters, and aminoa cids [42] phenothiazinedrugs spectrophotometric methodsulfuric acid -- [43] ChemistryOpen 2018, 7,401 -428 www.chemistryopen.org 2018 The Authors. Publishedb yWiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim STIMULANT DRUGS PEA UV n-hexane1 0 À4 phenylethanolamine [44] d-a nd l-a-phenylethylamines fluorescencechiral sensors MeCN -- [45] PEPH hydrochloride spectrofluorometricmethodPBS(pH 7.8) 0.5 additiveore xcipients present in the pharmaceuticalsf ormulations [46] cocaine, MDMA/MDA, and heroine/morphine spectralfluorescence signature (SFS) measurements water -- [47] MA aptasensor combined with AuNPs (colorimetric assay) human urine 1.2 10 À4 pethidine, triazolam, barbital, morphine, ketamine, and diazepam [49] MA aptasensorand oxidationr eaction of afluorophore water 7.4 10 À9 ketamine,norketamine, morphine, methadone, cocaine, mephedrone, cathinone, methcathinone, 3-trifluromethylphenyl piperazine,1 -3-trifluromethylphenyl piperazine, 3,4-methylenedioxy pyrovalerona, MDA, MDMA, EDDP,and mCPP [50] cocaineaptamern anomachine (FRET processa llowed or not depending on the analyte) water 1.5 10 À4 - [51] cocaineaptamern anomachine and amplified aptamer nanomachine (quenching off/on process) water 3.0 10 À5 for normal and 3.5 10 À17 for amplified process - [52] cocaineaptamern anomachine (quenching off/on process)…”