ThisThis This This work work work work proposes a switching technique for cascaded proposes a switching technique for cascaded proposes a switching technique for cascaded proposes a switching technique for cascaded (SCSPWM) scheme is employed in the generation of the gating signals. A sequential switching and base PWM (SCSPWM) scheme is employed in the generation of the gating signals. A sequential switching and base PWM (SCSPWM) scheme is employed in the generation of the gating signals. A sequential switching and base PWM (SCSPWM) scheme is employed in the generation of the gating signals. A sequential switching and base PWM circulation schemes are presented for this circulation schemes are presented for this circulation schemes are presented for this circulation schemes are presented for this conce conce conce concepts, it is now possible to generate equal average switching signal patterns in all the constituting power pts, it is now possible to generate equal average switching signal patterns in all the constituting power pts, it is now possible to generate equal average switching signal patterns in all the constituting power pts, it is now possible to generate equal average switching signal patterns in all the constituting power semiconductor switches. This results in equal switching loss dissipation and equal power sharing in semiconductor switches. This results in equal switching loss dissipation and equal power sharing in semiconductor switches. This results in equal switching loss dissipation and equal power sharing in semiconductor switches. This results in equal switching loss dissipation and equal power sharing in inverter modules; and therefore tec inverter modules; and therefore tec inverter modules; and therefore tec inverter modules; and therefore technically modularizes the cascaded system. A 4 hnically modularizes the cascaded system. A 4 hnically modularizes the cascaded system. A 4 hnically modularizes the cascaded system. A 4 used to exemplify the proposed switching technique. Outlines with switching functions are given for the used to exemplify the proposed switching technique. Outlines with switching functions are given for the used to exemplify the proposed switching technique. Outlines with switching functions are given for the used to exemplify the proposed switching technique. Outlines with switching functions are given for the modulation strategy. For a modulation index of 0.9, a THD value modulation strategy. For a modulation index of 0.9, a THD value modulation strategy. For a modulation index of 0.9, a THD value modulation strategy. For a modulation index of 0.9, a THD value waveform of the exemplanary 4 waveform of the exemplanary 4 waveform of the exemplanary 4 waveform of the exemplanary 4----cell cascaded configuration. With these pts, it is now possible to generate equal average switching signal patterns in all the constituting power pts, it is now possible to generate equal average switching signal patterns in all the constituting power pts...