synopsisThe Leary-Williams model for the microphase thermodynamics of triblock ABA copolymers has been modified to accommodate deviations from homogeneous randomcoil configurations in the Bchain dimensions as well as in those of the A chains, and has also been extended to cover the case of diblock AB copolymers. Only planar morphology is considered, but qualitative conclusions reported herein are expected to hold for other morphologies as well. The focus is on interphase thickness AT, with predictions made also for separation temperature T, and planar repeat distance D. Results are presented as-systematic functions of copolymer composition (0 I + A I l), total molar volume (25,000 I V I 4 x 106 cmS/g moll, block architecture (AB vs. ABA), temperature (298,373 K), and for five different interphase composition profiles.In most cases, A represents a polystyrene block and B a butadiene block in these calculation_s.Predictions for AT increase with temperature and depend on architecture, profile, and V; comparisons with data are close. in the range 1-0 A. It is shown that T, depends strongly on profile choice and (PA, reaching a maximum in the +,midrange but always with +. A > 0.5. The major prameter influencing D (at c o n + n t V ) -k architectcre, with D(SB) = ZMSBS), and D(V) varies from D a V076 at low Vto D a V o S a t high V.