Wim Hof, also known as the iceman, developed a method called Wim Hof Method (WHM) which he claims to have several benefits on physical and mental health. The aim of this systematic review is to identify and synthesise the results of the studies conducted on WHM on physiological and psychological health-related outcomes.
Materials and methods
This systematic review followed the PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews. The protocol was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO), registration number CRD42022333209. Medline and Web of Science were searched and included studies from January 1, 2014, to July 4, 2022. Studies were included if they met the predetermined inclusion/exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria included RCTs and cohort studies published in peer-reviewed journals, studies conducted on healthy individuals and people with pre-existing medical conditions (adolescents and adults over the age of 14), studies that included all three pillars (breathing, cold exposure, and commitment) of the WHM, and studies that only focused on Wim Hof breathing method (WHBM). Exclusion criteria included studies that discussed WHM but are not original experimental research or are not peer-reviewed, studies that included children under the age of 14, and studies that used methods similar to WHM, but not actually WHM, such as tummo meditation. The articles were assessed for risk of bias using RoB 2.0 and Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) tools. The effects of WHM were categorised into physiological or psychological related outcomes and narrative synthesis was conducted.
Nine papers were included in this review which consisted of eight individual trials. The findings suggest that the WHM may reduce inflammation in healthy and non-healthy participants as it increases epinephrine levels, causing an increase in interleukin-10 and a decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokines. Additionally, effect of WHBM on exercise performance showed mixed findings. Effects on respiratory parameters of minute ventilation, tidal volume, and breathing frequency were mixed following bouts of exercise.
Taken together, the findings of this review show promising use of WHM in the inflammatory response category. The focus of future studies should further investigate the benefits of WHM in non-healthy participants with inflammatory disorders and explore the use of Wim Hof breathing method to enhance exercise performance.