Crystals of N, N-dimethyl-p-nitroaniline are monoclinic with two molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a=9.73, b=10.56, c=3-964 A, fl=91 ° 28', space group P21. The structure was determined with scintillation-counter Cu Kc¢ data from the three-dimensional Patterson function, and the positional and anisotropic thermal parameters of the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms were refined by four cycles of differential syntheses and six cycles of least squares; approximate positions of the four aromatic hydrogen atoms were obtained by Fourier methods. The final R value was 0-116. The aromatic ring, nitro group, and dimethylamino group are each planar, but not coplanar; the nitro group is rotated 2.8 ° and the Me2N group 7.3 ° out of the aromatic plane. The mean bond distances in the molecule are very similar to those in p-nitroaniline, but suggest that there is a rather greater contribution of a quinonoid resonance form to the structure of the molecule. The thermal vibrations are similar to those in p-nitroaniline, the nitro and the dimethylamino groups showing pronounced torsional oscillation. The intermolecular contacts correspond to normal van der Waals interactions.