Fengyun-3C (FY-3C) is the first Chinese satellite that is capable of using the Radio Occultation (RO) technique to retrieve atmospheric profiles. This research evaluates the quality of FY-3C RO profiles including refractivity, temperature, and specific humidity by comparing with corresponding information from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Interim Reanalysis (ERA-Interim) data over the period of 2015–2018. The evaluation is carried out by calculating and analyzing mean systematic differences between FY-3C and ERA-Interim profiles and corresponding standard deviations over a selected spatial and temporal domain. Results show that the FY-3C RO profiles are overall with good agreements with the ERA-Interim data. Global mean refractivity systematic differences are within ±0.2% from 5 to 30 km altitude range with relative standard deviations of less than 2%. Global temperature mean systematic differences vary within ±0.2 K from a 10- to 20-km altitude range with standard deviations of less than 2 K. Global mean specific humidity differences are found to be within ±0.2 g/kg from 2 to 20 km with standard deviations of less than 1 g/kg. FY-3C profiles show visible latitudinal and altitudinal variations, while the seasonal variations are minor. Sampling errors of refractivity and temperature are also found to be larger at higher latitudinal regions due to RO events being less sampled in the polar region.