This article presents the results of a quantitative study of the small-x data at HERA, using the CCFM equation. The first step consists of choosing the version of the CCFM equation to be used, corresponding to selecting a particular subset of next-to-leading-logarithmic corrections -the choice is constrained by requiring a phenomenologically reasonable small-x growth. For the time being, the parts of the splitting functions that are finite at z = 0 have been left out. We then examine results for F c 2 , R, the transverse energy flow, the charged-particle transverse-momentum spectrum and the forward-jet cross section and compare to data. While some of the data is reproduced better than with DGLAP-based calculations, the agreement is not entirely satisfactory, suggesting that the approach developed here is not yet suitable for detailed phenomenology. We discuss why, and suggest directions for future work.