PostprintThis is the accepted version of a paper published in Structural and multidisciplinary optimization (Print). This paper has been peer-reviewed but does not include the final publisher proof-corrections or journal pagination.Citation for the original published paper (version of record):Kaufmann, M., Zenkert, D., Wennhage, P. (2010) Integrated cost/weight optimization of aircraft structures.
July 2007A methodology for a combined cost/weight optimization of aircraft components is proposed. The objective function is formed by a simplified form of direct operating cost, i.e. by a weighted sum of the manufacturing cost and the component weight. Hence, the structural engineer can perform the evaluation of a design solution based on economical values rather than pure cost or weight targets. The parameter that governs the balance between manufacturing cost and weight is called weight penalty and incorporates the effect of fuel burn, environmental impact or contractual penalties due to overweight. Unlike previous work, the analytical cost and structural models are replaced by commercially available software packages. They allow for a more realistic model of the manufacturing cost, and for arbitrary constraints in the structural analysis. By means of parametric studies it is shown that the design solution strongly depends on the magnitude of the weight penalty.