We study the adsorption of gold nanospheres onto cylindrical and spherical glass surfaces from quiescent particle suspensions. The surfaces consist of tapers and microspheres fabricated from optical fibers and were coated with a polycation, enabling irreversible nanosphere adsorption. Our results fit well with theory, which predicts that particle adsorption rates depend strongly on surface geometry and can exceed the planar surface deposition rate by over two orders of magnitude when particle diffusion length is large compared to surface curvature. This is particularly important for plasmonic sensors and other devices fabricated by depositing nanoparticles from suspensions onto surfaces with non-trivial geometries. 2 Such substrates are often flat, but other geometries are also of interest. In particular, since plasmonic devices are intrinsically optical, it is natural to consider NP deposition on optical microstructures such as silica fibers, fiber tapers, or microsphere resonators, which display cylindrical, conical, and spherical geometries, respectively. As the complexity of such devices increases, it is imperative to develop a good understanding of the process of NP deposition. Here, we focus on the dependence of deposition on substrate geometry as it applies to silica-based tapers and microspheres. We find that at short deposition times, the NP adsorption is largely independent of substrate geometry, while at long times, deposition is significantly faster onto the curved surfaces. The crossover occurs when the NP diffusion length equals the radius of curvature of the surface.The problem of particle adsorption on a collecting surface is of great technological importance in fields such as materials science, food and pharmaceutical fabrication, electrophoresis, and catalysis. It is also of interest in biomedicine in describing processes such as ligand binding to macromolecules or digestion by microbes and cells. 3,4 It is then not surprising that the problem has been studied for a long time and that theoretical treatments have reached a high degree of sophistication. 5 However, the bulk of the experimental work in this field has been done on planar surfaces, and studies of adsorption onto curved collecting surfaces 4,6 have generally concerned regimes that are not directly applicable to optical and plasmonic device fabrication.For our theoretical treatment, we confine ourselves to the simplest possible case, where we first assume that the collecting surfaces are perfect sinks, i.e., any particle that gets within a certain small distance from a surface sticks immediately and irreversibly, which is reasonable for small particles at low concentrations 7 and at time scales where the fast adhesion kinetics is masked by the slower diffusion dominated particle transport to the surface. Since the Debye length in water is at the most a few tens of nanometers, this holds for all times longer than about a ms. We also assume that the drag experienced by a particle near a surface is balanced by attractive dispersion forc...