As traightforward and efficient approach for the synthesis of allylic amines and thioethers has been developed by an iron-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction using diphosphitel igand.T he reaction between allylic alcohols and amines/thiolsg ave allylic amine and thioester.T he method is compatible with variousf unctional groups,a ffording products with high yield and monoallylation selectivity.Facile synthesis of allylic amines and thioethers are very important in both organic and bioorganic chemistry. [1] Selected examplesi nclude the calcium channel blocker,f lunarizine; [1e] the antifungal drug, naftifine; [1f] and s-allyl cysteine. [1j] At ransitionmetal-catalyzed reaction of activated allylic alcohol derivatives, such as allylic halides, acetate, carboxylates, and carbonates, has provent ob eo ne of the most powerful methods. [2] Althought he direct catalytic substitutiono fa llylic alcohols is economical and attractive method, forming water as the only by-product;h owever, such alcohols are difficult to activate because of ap oor leavinga bility of the hydroxyl group.In the last decades, few groups have successfully developed palladium-and platinum-catalyzed reactions of allylic alcohols via metal-p-allyl species to form CÀCa nd CÀXb onds. Ozawa and co-workersr eported ad irect amination of allylic alcohols catalyzed by p-allyl-palladium complexesc ontaining diphosphinidenecyclobutenel igand. [3] Mashima and co-workers synthesized allylic amines using Pt-DPEphos complexes, which acted as an excellent catalyst for the high catalyst activity and high monoallylation selectivity. [4] The recent work of Sarkar [5] and Beller [6] is also interesting. Particularly,O shima,I kariya, Breit, and other groups have also made their contributionst o the developmentoft his methodology. [7] Nevertheless,o nly av ery few earth-abundant and cheap first-row transition-metal catalysts for the conversion of allylic alcohols to allylic amines and thioethers have been reported. [8] In 2008, Jana reportedt he FeCl 3 -catalyzed direct substitution of benzylic and allylic alcohols with carboxamides. [8a] Cossy developeda ni ntramolecular allyl substituent reaction catalyzed by FeCl 3 . [8b] Nickel-diphosphine catalytic system was reported by Mashima. [8c] Recently,S undararaju reported ad irect allylic amination catalyzed by an iron catalystt hrough an oxidation/ reduction pathway,a nd also realizedt he synthesis of pyrrole. [8d, e] Herein, we report an ew approachf or the synthesis of allylic amines and thioethersb ya ni ron-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction directly from allylic alcohols (Figure 1) using diphosphite ligand with distinctive electronic and steric effect.Optimization of the reaction conditions was carriedo ut with cinnamyl alcohol (1a)a nd aniline (2a)a ss tandard substrates. As shown in Table 1, al arge variation in reactivity was observed, depending on the ligand, catalyst, solvent, and temperature used in the reactions. In the presence of Fe(OTf) 2 as catalyst, variousl igands were examined. Yield was ...