We show that the acquisition of 3D diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy (DOSY) experiments can be accelerated significantly with the use of spatial encoding (SPEN). The SPEN DOSY approach is discussed, analysed with numerical simulation, and illustrated on a mixture of small molecules.The analysis of complex mixtures of small molecules is a major challenge in chemistry, with applications in metabolomics, natural-product research and chemical synthesis. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool to address this challenge; arrays of NMR spectra are commonly used for identification and structure elucidation. A variety of schemes have been reported to recover the "pure" spectra of components in mixtures. 1 Diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) is the most widely used approach for such spectral separation. 2 In DOSY, signal amplitudes are attenuated by a pair of gradient pulses (each of area K) separated by a diffusion delay; a fit of the diffusion-induced decay returns the diffusion coefficient D for each resonance, so that sub-spectra can be separated according to the value of D.The DOSY approach is applicable to a range of Ndimensional (ND, with N typically 1 or 2) NMR experiments. 2a, 3 The use of an incremented gradient area, however, results in a pseudo-(N+1)D experiment and increases the total experimental time by a factor of about 10. Several strategies have been described for the acceleration of DOSY experiments. The original HR-DOSY pulse sequence requires multiple steps of phase cycling, which may be reduced to one with the Oneshot approach. 4 The number of gradient increments can be reduced, using a non-uniform sampling of the diffusion dimension. 5 For 3D DOSY, the diffusion information may also be encoded in the width of the NMR peaks, with the accordion approach. 6 Single-scan DOSY implementations include the Difftrain approach, 7 which has found applications for the analysis of heterogeneous media. Alternatively, the acquisition of the DOSY data may be parallelised, with a spatial encoding of the K dimension. 8 This concept, introduced by Keeler and co-workers, makes it possible to acquired 2D DOSY data in a single scan. It is particularly useful for the analysis of transient processes and hyperpolarised samples. 9 In this communication, we show that spatially encoded diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (SPEN DOSY) can be used for fast separation of 2D correlation spectra of components in mixtures. In order to gain insight into the SPEN DOSY mechanism, we first introduce a numerical simulation framework that can simultaneously account for the complex spin and spatial dynamics. We then describe a generalised implementation of SPEN DOSY. As an example of SPEN 3D DOSY, the acquisition of a 3D DOSY COSY spectrum is accelerated by over an order of magnitude. Figure 1a shows a schematic pulse sequence for spatially encoded multidimensional DOSY experiments. The gradient pulses of the classic STE-based DOSY pulse sequence are replaced with the concurrent application of linearly swept chirp ...