Cranked Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (CRHB) theory is presented as an extension of Relativistic Mean Field theory with pairing correlations to the rotating frame. Pairing correlations are taken into account by a finite range two-body force of Gogny type and approximate particle number projection is performed by Lipkin-Nogami method. This theory is applied to the description of yrast superdeformed rotational bands observed in even-even nuclei of the A ∼ 190 mass region. Using the well established parameter sets NL1 for the Lagrangian and D1S for the pairing force one obtains a very successful description of data such as kinematic (J (1)) and dynamic (J (2)) moments of inertia without any adjustment of new parameters. Within the present experimental accuracy the calculated transition quadrupole moments Qt agree reasonably well with the observed data. PACS numbers: 21.60.-n, 21.60.Cs, 21.60.Jx, 27.80.+w The investigation of superdeformation in different mass regions still remains in the focus of low-energy nuclear physics. Experimental data on superdeformed rotational (SD) bands are now available in different parts of the periodic table, namely, in the A ∼ 60 [1], 80, 130, 150 and 190 [2] mass regions. This richness of data provides the necessary input for a test of different theoretical models and the underlying effective interactions at superdefor-mation. Cranked relativistic mean field (CRMF) theory developed in Refs. [3-5] represents one of such theories. It has been applied in a systematic way for the description of SD bands observed in the A ∼ 60 and A ∼ 150 mass regions. The pairing correlations in these bands are considerably quenched and at high rotational frequencies a very good description of experimental data is obtained in the unpaired formalism in most of the cases as shown in Refs. [5-9]. On the contrary, pairing correlations have a considerable impact on the properties of SD bands observed in the A ∼ 190 mass region and more generally on rotational bands at low spin. Different theoretical mean field methods have been applied for the study of SD bands in this mass region. These are the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky approach based on a Woods-Saxon potential [10,11], self-consistent cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approaches based either on Skyrme [12,13] or Gogny forces [14,15]. It was shown in different theoretical models [11-14,16] that in order to describe the experimental data on moments of inertia one should go beyond the mean field approximation and deal with fluctuations in the pairing correlations using particle number projection. This is typically done in an approximate way by the Lipkin-Nogami method [17-19]. With exception of approaches based on Gogny forces, special care should also be taken to the form of the pairing interaction. For example, quadrupole pairing has been used in addition to monopole pairing in the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky approach [11]. A similar approach to pairing has also been used in projected shell model [20]. Density dependent pairing has been used in connection to...